Water The Soul.

Ujjwala Adhikari
3 min readJun 27, 2019

“Don’t wait for anyone to come up with flowers for you but instead grow your own plants” this phrase is going really viral in Social Media nowadays……but trust me it does have a very deep meaning and practical thoughts behind it!!!!
I have grown up watching my mom doing gardening even after her tiring job of 9 to 5, I never understood how could someone work on Plants being after so much stressed and exhausted ……but she always used to tell me that this is her stress buster for everything going around……at that age I had no idea with the term “ Everything” …..so all I used to do for her gardening hobby is to keep gardening equipment on the right place after she is done.
Now after 10 years, when I was struggling through the autumn phase of my life where everything seems to be meaningless and dark…..I wasn’t able to track any sunlight to nourish me, to take my photosynthesis….no shower of rain to detoxify my wounds on soul…….On such day, I was lying down on my bed, crying and thinking all the worst happening around me, …everything is just going the worse it can and I could feel myself like that last leaf on the Brach of an old tree who is just gonna drop down due to any light to lighter wind……… Just a moment, I saw a money plant on my sister’s side….. It was there for months or might be a year….I don’t know when my sister changed it’s water last time….although it wasn’t growing but still it didn’t give up on life……..I don’t how but that almost dead plant with just one leaf left on it made me leave my bed with all my self concerns issues on it…. to step forward for changing its water. After that day I started frequently changing its water and it didn’t go in vain as now it has total of 15 leaves….likewise I started purchasing more plants and took care of them …trust me it felt awesome….whenever I would water them, it feels like I m detoxing the dust over my soul and whenever they would show up with new baby leaf, it feels like I m coming up with more strength and beauty. I m sure if you would take care of any plant like you expect others to take care of yourself that day you won’t need anyone to take care of yourself anymore….My plants encourage me to grow and encourage to feed others as well…..I m not urging to plant new trees….all I request you to never leave a plant thirsty and so do Your friend at the immense well of darkness and draught!!!!
But first, you need to grow yourself and please don’t wait for someone to water you…make your tears the best shower to nourish your roots….then make the best fertilizer out of your deadly feelings anxiety, unhappiness and loneliness, put them all in the soil and let it embrace the plant into the beautiful living creature who provides oxygen and life to everyone around….!!!!!

