The Story Of Your Dystopian World

Ujjwala Adhikari
2 min readAug 22, 2020

Are you in search of a Political/ Social Masterpiece?

Then ‘The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness” can be your best catch. I’m not labeling it a Masterpiece for no reason. The Award-winning Author, Arundhati Roy invested 20 years of her life in this book. This can be transparently seen in her story plot which revolves around the spam of decades, throwing lights on transgender rights issues, political/ Social violence, communal strife, and the 2002 Gujarat riots.

The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness

And the strong manipulating characters like Anjum, Mulaqat Ali, Zainab, Saddam, and Tilo will mesmerize your mind completely into their Emotional Zones. Though sometimes an extremely lengthy sentence might rot your mind without them you cannot evaluate the deepness in the story.

And to give the best metaphorical presentation to the deeply rooted tragedy, Roy has used Graveyards as the center of attraction.

The plot revolves around a young Boy Aftab who had an immense passion for music. But with the dawn of hormonal changes in his body, his sweet voice died. And his journey from Aftab to Anjum starts and so does the story.

The plot in itself is enough to numb your heart with unimaginable social evils prevailing in our very own Society. But undoubtedly Roy wrote in a very acceptable way which’s existence you can’t deny.

‘The Happiness of Utmost Ministry’ will leave you awestruck. Compel you to thank the Literary world which can embrace the story of this dystopian world in such a clear voice. If you feel like the World is what has been served to you then it’s high time to open your eyes with Roy’s masterpiece.

