The River that Stays!!!

Ujjwala Adhikari
1 min readApr 29, 2021

The river that stays
The wind that halts,
The light that shines,
All seems so magical
And forever mine.

Is it righteous to stay attached
with Dead leaves?
Is it advisable to keep,
The poisoned ponds?
Is it Enjoyable to witness,
Storm destroying every bond?

Let go of such flows of the river,
Which creates algae on your land,
Let go of such furious winds,
Which doesn’t allow trees to stand,
Let go of such light
Which burns your feet on Sand.

And wait,
Wait for the Cycle
To appear.

The flow of the river that left
Will come back again,
To nourish your land.
The Wind that disappeared,
Will sing the melody
To bandage your pain
The light that
Will enlighten and explain,

Be strong
And let go of those beautiful
Ugly, Sad remembrance.
Clean your land
For the new crop
To enhance.

As the River will flow again,
The Wind will arrive again
And the Light will shine again.

— Ujjwala Adhikari

